Salt and Light

It is not uncommon to hear Christians argue that a good reason for children to be in the government schools is so that they can be salt and light. I don't doubt that some children do bring a good witness. But if we consider this idea from the bigger perspective, we must conclude by saying that this is not what God intends.

If a mission agency sending missionaries to a Muslim country found that most of its missionaries were being converted to Islam, you would have to conclude there is a problem. And when surveys show that vast majority of young people raised in Christian homes are not remaining in the faith, we have to conclude there is a problem.

Now, I am implying that sending your children to a Christian school or teaching them at home somehow brings salvation. But God does call for Christian parents to provide their children an education in the fear of the Lord.

Yes, we desperately want our children to be salt and light, but they need to be given a proper training in order to do this. There is so much in education that a child will never be given unless that child is given a Christian education. And then consider how much of government controlled is vile, blasphemous, and harmful for our children.

It is well past time that Christian parents ensured that their children are educated in an environment that honors the Lord Jesus Christ. The consequences of not doing this have been significant and will continue to be an issue for generations. May the Lord by His grace bring about a mass exodus from government-controlled schools.


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